Monday, April 7, 2008

Las Ruinas

This past Saturday we went to the town of Mitla, some 30 miles from Oaxaca. Mitla is where we have our maintenance hangar, but it is also an important town because of it's Mixtec ruins. We had a great time exploring the grounds. As with most things of this nature, we continually found ourselves amazed that actual people built these structures, and a long time ago with "primitive" technology.

Here is the main ball court of the ruins. Up the steps and through the entryways on the platform lead to what was the rulers mansion. The intricacy of the designs is stunning. Even some of the red plaster is still intact. In the background, you can just see the red domes of the Catholic church.
Like with most things reminiscent of the Spanish Conquest, this church is actually built on top of some of the ruins. A sort of king of the hill, except with religions I guess. Soon I will update my Flickr album with more pictures.

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