Thursday, April 24, 2008

From the Logbook...La Maná

I am still continuing with my checkout into the mountain airstrips here in Oaxaca. It is as much fun as it is a challenge. Since my first flight, I have had to laugh with the change in cargo we have here in Mexico as compared to Ecuador. Whereas I hauled countless bananas and plantains in Ecuador, here the norm seems to be tortillas. It doesn't take long to see that the Mexicans are crazy about their tortillas. They come in all shapes and sizes, and in both corn and flour. A meal is not a meal with out tortillas.

On a licensing note, it looks like I still have some things to do. At the moment I am scheduled to go back to Mexico City the first part of May to to an altitude chamber test. I actually look forward to it, I just wish we had known about it a month ago so I could have already had my appointment. Also, I may have to take a check ride with an aviation authority here in Oaxaca. It shouldn't prove to hard, but nonetheless it is another step in the bureaucracy. I feel like they are inventing rules for me know, which isn't unexpected, just unnecessary.

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