Tuesday, April 22, 2008

From the Logbook...A Few Days in Pictures

Today we had a few flights, although I just went on one due to space available. It was an emergency flight back into Amoltepec to pick up an assortment of injured people. One lady had removed a bullet from her leg (I didn't ask), and another guy was knocked unconscious due to a rollover car accident. When we arrived the Red Cross was waiting and quickly took the patients to the hospital.

While shooting landings into Amoltepec yesterday (see below) we were advised of an emergency in a nearby village called La Laguna to pick up a woman having trouble during labor. WOW! I don't think my eyes have ever been so wide during a landing in my life. You land on a flat spot the size of a dime, and then the strip goes down sharply, levels for just a bit, and then goes right back up. It will keep you on your toes.

Yesterday we went back to Amoltepec. This is one of the three airstrips that I am working towards being checked out to fly into solo. It is a technical airstrip with 13% average slope and just under 1000ft. of length, but we go in there almost once a day. As I have stated before, slope is hard to see in pictures, but I could sure feel it as I walked back up to the plane.

On a licensing note, everything has been submitted to the aviation authority here in Mexico. We were told today that it would be 5 days until my license was issued. We'll see. Keep praying with us.

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