Thursday, June 19, 2008

From the Logbook...Still A.O.G.

We still don't have any airplanes to put into the air yet after another full day of trying to repair them and wait for parts. Our parts did arrive, which, if they work, we should have an airplane flying by tomorrow morning.

As you can see in the photo above, it's tough work fixing airplanes! I had to hold up the whole aircraft with my foot while the nose gear assembly was out to be worked on. Not really. We are just getting ready to put it back in in the photo. The tail is connected to the floor, which keeps the nose in the air so we can work on it. We'll see what happens tomorrow, but we may have a two working airplanes by the end of the day.


Javier said...

Hi Sean,

How many airplanes do you guys have there in Mexico?

King Regards,

Javier Vermaas.

Rebecca said...

Hi Javier. We have two airplanes here in Mexico, both of them are turboed 206's.