Thursday, June 12, 2008

From the Logbook...Great Weather

We woke up yesterday to an awesome day. Still some lingering clouds and moisture, but just enough to make things look beautiful. Because of our canceled flights the previous days, we had a pile of people waiting to go home via airplane. We got things ready and I was soon airborne with a plane load of people returning home. Two were old women, grandma types. One just behind me was praying the whole time until we landed. I'm sure she was thanking the Lord that she got to fly with the most awesome pilot around, and not just asking for safety and strength.

This is a shot from my first landing of the day into El Carrisal. The pueblo is off of the departure end of the airstrip. Things had really greened up here. Last time I was in Carrisal the grass was all dead and very dusty. It looks like a golf course from this picture, but the strip is VERY rough. It's a good thing landing gear cannot talk. This is one of our longest airstrips at around 1500ft and 4000 feet elevation.

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