Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A few sights from today

Nope...still nothing new. No visas either. Yeah, it's discouraging, but ALL things work in God's perfect timing. So, when there is news...I'll report it.

But, we have been loving this park near the airport. We just keep finding neat little trails and nooks that hide such neat natural treasures. I've always loved what life the desert holds, and the biodiversity here is no disappointment. If you like that kind of thing...I do!

With the rains slowly arriving, things are turning green and budding with a vengeance. As the rains become more faithful there are sure to be more natural treasures that pop out of the ground heavenward.

The cacti are all just ready to bloom. I think a few more weeks and some more rain and they will really be putting on a show.

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