Friday, March 21, 2008

Another Beginning

For those of you who were readers of the Jungle Aviator, welcome to my new blog. Being that we don't live in the jungle anymore, I was going to have to change the name of my blog. Rather than do that, I just made another one. Be sure to put it on your bookmarks, and check in from time to time, and even comment so that we know who is out there.

Well...we made it! We got off the airplane yesterday here in Oaxaca tired and beat, but happy to be here. The girls traveled pretty well, and even all of our baggage made it intact. There isn't a lot to report at the moment, at least not cool flight stories and tales from the bush. We are just in the process of getting our house ready to live in.

We spent much of today cleaning and prepping our house to be lived in. I think we will be sleeping there tomorrow night. For the moment, we are staying with some co-workers who live very close until things get ready a little more in our house.

It looks like things will be busy next week, as I am already planning on going to Mexico City to start the pilot's license process. I have to admit, I am a bit nervous to travel to one of the world's biggest cities, but I will have a Mexican co-worker with me to help.

Thanks again for all of you who have been praying for us in this transition. It no doubt has and is helping. Keep it up!


Anonymous said...

Hello Cannon Family!
I have been reading your blogs for quite a while now. I love the stories, pictures and seeing how the Lord is working in your lives. I find it a priviledge to pray for you. Congratulations on your move to Mexico! I will continue to pray for the transition for all of you.
With Much Love,
Traci Maes

Rebecca said...

WOW! Didn't know we had anyone reading in that part of the world. Cool! We think of you guys often and pray as well. We hope to make it out your way when we come home for a bit at the end of the year. Tell the family hi, and Anthony that he is due a whooping...Sean