Tuesday, July 22, 2008


  • I have been a little wiped out these last 5 days or so with a severe case of Montezuma's Revenge. For those of you who know what that is...enough said! For those of you that don't, that's why there is Google.
  • Finally found tickets to a sweet event for next week that I am taking my wife to. It's going to be a date. It's going to be sweet!
  • We do have some big news. Most may already know. Read Rebecca's blog to read it for your self.
  • I haven't been flying for a while due to my "problem." Now that things are on the mend hopefully tomorrow will see me boring holes in the sky.

1 comment:

Garrett and Laurie said...

Hi Sean,
I'm going to miss your MAF photos a lot. :) God bless you and Rebecca as you follow Him.

- Laurie Bills
Admin. Assistant
MAF-USA headquarters